Aminet 40
Aminet 40 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 2000].iso
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394 lines
;$VER: Up Rough EP Install-script 1.0 (9-Jul-00) ©2000 Up Rough Soundsystem
;* File Information *
;* *
;* Installation script used to copy/update UPEP main files and copy EPs. *
;* *
;* YY/MM/DD | Who | Description *
;* 00/06/06 | Nemonic | Copied some strings from the ver SPOT had edited ;) *
;* 00/05/26 | Nemonic | Libraries...NEWWpA8...UPEPFont...bla bla...yada yada.. *
;* 00/05/12 | Nemonic | Lots of UPEP* changed to EP*. *
;* 00/05/02 | Nemonic | Got somtn that works pretty good. *
(user 2) ; User must be expert...even if the user in question isn't one ;p
;* Error handling *
(if (> @ioerr 0)
((cat "An error has occurred during installation.\n"
"Please check the log file to understand the error."))
(exit (quiet))
;* Check if we are running under correct OS *
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 39)
(abort "Incorrect OS version (software requires OS 39 or better)!")
;* Set the destination directory *
(if (exists "EP:" (NOREQ))
; The assign EP: exists...user must have a previous installation
(set @default-dest (getassign "EP"))
(set previnstall 1)
; EP: doesn't exist...ask user if there is a previous installation
(set previnstall
(prompt (cat "Couldn't find the EP: assign!\n"
"Have ya got a previous installation of Up Rough EP on your HD?"))
(help @askbool-help)
(default 1)
(source "Fonts/")
(dest "FONTS:")
(optional "fail")
(if (= previnstall 1)
; User answered yes to that question
; Now he/she have 2 specify where its installed
(set @default-dest
(prompt "Then show me where ya got it:")
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
;* If first install, create all needed dirs and copy the icons...and some other stuff *
(if (= previnstall 0)
; Ask where user want UPEP installed
(set @default-dest
(prompt "Where do ya want da EP to be installed (a drawer will be created):")
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
; Create all directories
(makedir (tackon @default-dest "UpRoughEP"))
(makedir (tackon @default-dest "UpRoughEP/Data"))
(makedir (tackon @default-dest "UPRoughEP/EPs"))
; Set @default-dest to our newly created directory
(set @default-dest (tackon @default-dest "UpRoughEP"))
; Let the user select what type of icons to use
(set icontype
(prompt "What type of icons do ya wanna use?")
(help @askchoice-help)
"Old style"
(default 1)
; Copy the icons
(source (tackon "Icons/" (select icontype "3.5" "Old")))
(dest @default-dest)
(pattern "#?.info")
(optional "fail")
; Copy the font, some libraries and C: commands
(set copythis
(prompt (cat "Select what stuff to copy to your SYS: partition...\n"
"The ones that are checked as default are requiered!!!"))
(help @askoptions-help)
"dbplayer.library V2.0 (LIBS:)"
"ptreplay.library V6.6 (LIBS:)"
"NewWPA8 V1.4 (C:) (for AGA users!)"
(default 7)
(set showdocstxt 0)
(set docstxt "See the Docs/ dir for more info on...\n\n")
(if (BITAND copythis 1) ; Copy the font?
(source "Fonts/")
(dest "FONTS:")
(optional "fail")
(if (BITAND copythis 2) ; Copy dbplayer.library?
(prompt "dbplayer.library...")
(help @copylib-help)
(source "Libs/dbplayer.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(optional "force" "askuser")
(confirm "expert")
(set showdocstxt 1)
(set docstxt (cat docstxt "dbplayer.library (whole arc. avail. on aminet)\n"))
(if (BITAND copythis 4) ; Copy ptreplay.library?
(prompt "ptreplay.library...")
(help @copylib-help)
(source "Libs/ptreplay.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(optional "force" "askuser")
(confirm "expert")
(set showdocstxt 1)
(set docstxt (cat docstxt "ptreplay.library (whole arc. avail. on aminet)\n"))
(if (BITAND copythis 8) ; Copy NewWPA8?
(source "C/NewWPA8")
(dest "C:")
(optional "fail")
(set showdocstxt 1)
(set docstxt (cat docstxt "NewWPA8 (whole arc. avail. on aminet)\n"))
(if (= showdocstxt 1)
(message (docstxt))
; Ask if EP: should be added 2 user-startup...and add it if wanted
(startup "UpRoughEP"
(prompt (cat "Do you want the line\n\n"
"assign EP: \"" @default-dest "\"\n"
"\nto be added to your \"s:user-startup\" file?\n"
"Since you SHOULD use the enclosed scripts to start EP "
"(where the assign is taken care of) there is no need to "
"add this line to your user-startup. But it's up to you. "
"If you don't want it added then select \"Skip this part\"."))
(help @startup-help)
(command "Assign EP: \"" @default-dest "\"\n")
;* Copy/Update the main files *
; A little procedure to make version copying easier...really should be a built in
; function that did the same (I dont wanna use copylib for ordinary files)....BAH!
(procedure upepvercpy #srcfile
(set upepvcpyfile 1)
(if (exists (tackon @default-dest #srcfile) (NOREQ))
(if (<= (getversion #srcfile) (getversion (tackon @default-dest #srcfile)))
; The new file isn't newer than the old
(set upepvcpyfile 0)
(if (= upepvcpyfile 1)
(source #srcfile)
(dest @default-dest)
(optional "fail")
; Copy/Update EP, EP.guide, Prefs, PrefsMUI and Start
(upepvercpy "EP")
(upepvercpy "EP.guide")
(upepvercpy "Prefs")
(upepvercpy "PrefsMUI")
(upepvercpy "Start")
; Copy Data/EPLogo.up and Data/EPLogoPal.up
(source "Data/")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Data"))
(choices "LogoPal.up" "Logo.up")
(optional "fail")
;* Let the user choose the EPs to copy...then copy em *
(prompt "Select EP(s) to install this time...")
(source "EPs/")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "EPs"))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(confirm "expert")
(optional "fail")
;* Exit *